The Prep spirit

Technology allows us to implement new teaching methods thanks to :

  • More efficient study materials
  • personalization
  • ergonomy
  • A great time saver for teachers
  • Automatic grading of homework and tests
  • Detailed analytics including weaknesses analysis

At "Prep", we pioneer these innovations. By continuously improving our products, we are creating a new generation of study materials. Results are real. As we speak, students are taking more than 70,000 exercises each day on our platform, and this is only the beginning!

PrepMyFuture is born from the intuition that digital tools will deeply transform the way we learn and teach.

Technology and "big data" are now everywhere, from advertising to self-driving cars, .... La technologie et le "big data" sont aujourd'hui omniprésents, de la publicité aux voitures autonomes, en passant par la recherche d'information et la collecte des impôts.

Les supports pédagogiques ont peu évolués depuis plus de 150 ans. Nous comptons apporter notre "petite pierre à l'édifice" et faire émerger une nouvelle génération de supports pédagogiques.

What defines us

Adaptive learning

Neither too easy, nor too hard,
with an extra focus on weaknesses

Made for teachers

A platform created for teachers,
not to replace them


No commitment, no automatic subcriptions,
your money back if not satisfied

A new vision

We rethink entirely what great study materials
should be, in terms of both the format and
the content

Pedagogic innovations

Products based on the latest scientific discoveries about adaptive and mastery based learning

Reactive to feedback

We provide excellent customer care,
and our service evolves quickly based on feedback from our users


If there is a need for a user guide,
then the product needs to be redesigned


We are always looking for perfection in
a friendly work environment