Can You Take TOEIC Several Times?

The TOEIC is a test that can be taken as many times as desired. It is a paying test administered by the American administrator ETS.

With the TOEIC, you get a language certification that shows your level of English.

The TOEIC can be taken as part of your education or business. In this case, your institution may cover some or all of the registration fee. Some schools offer a discount to students. For those who do not achieve the necessary score, resitting the test is at the student's expense.

You can also take this test as an independent candidate. All you have to do is register on ETS.

The TOEIC score depends on your school and your goal. Some schools require a minimum score of 785/990 when some companies require 850 points minimum.

It is strongly recommended to include your TOEIC score in your resume, as well as your CEFR level.

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